Thursday, 28 October 2010

14 weeks and 5 days. Wishing I was Julie Powell

I am today feeling rather sorry for myself. Am quite exhausted and feeling generally quite rotten.
My Husband however is being very helpful, kind and generally mindful of the fact that I can be a complete cow when I'm ill. Having prepared me a loving lunch of Chicken Super Noodles and Breaded chicken nuggets I cannot at this time complain about his attention to detail and to me.
He is himself currently on 'Gardening Leave' and as he himself exclaimed the other day 'surely gardening leave without a garden is just leave?'. Yes, he is almost as funny as me.

So, we are both currently sat on the sofa indulging in favourite things, reading and blogging whilst listening to classic albums from our youth. Starsailor to be exact which, in the current living room climate may have been a slightly depressing choice to say the least. Note to self, S Club 7 may have been a wiser choice.

Anyway, I have just watched Julie and Julia (see Wikipedia for further information) for the second time and am wondering how I will ever gain world wide blog exposure. I feel that if I continue to write to myself (and the Hill) I may begin to lose sight of why I started this in the first place - to prove to all that Modern Marriage is alive and kicking, that the ebb and flow of eternal betrothal is something that should be considered by the most cynical of us all.

We are 14 weeks and 5 days into our married life and very little has changed except now I am referred to as Mrs and when place in any kind of alphabetical order I am suddenly propelled nearer the back of the queue as it were.
Rather annoyingly my passport needs changing even though there are still 4YEARS!!!! remaining on my last one. Don't get me started about the £70 it is going to cost for a new one, I'm starting to feel a little resentful but will try to hold it back at all cost. I love this man.

In our current state we are extremely content to stay home and enjoy each others company and as I tap on these keys I am starting to wonder whether this particular post is actually going to be reader worthy at all. My point is however that married life can lack certain kinds of excitement, it is not necessarily all fireworks and canons at dusk. It is however being safe in the knowledge (SMUG ALERT) that there is an unspoken bond that goes way beyond any personable link that many of us may have.
He is however still peeing on the toilet seat though!

Inspired by the writing and blog of Julie Powell I am going to break out my new food processor and make my husband a delicious banana loaf for all his efforts in looking after me over the last nearly 15 weeks and especially today when I am feeling unwell. There is something awfully quaint about being this subservient so early on in our marriage but hey, it was that or the proverbial shelf. You do the math!
Off I go to my sink chain, marigolds on and dream of one day understanding exactly what my Nana has said all along. I don't care if you're at work all day, it is your job to make sure that dinners on the table. Right you are.

1 comment:

  1. Nana was clearly on crack.......BUT when your talking about banana loaf then all our feminist dreams FLY out the window! xx
