Tuesday, 1 February 2011

6 months and 8 days.

I feel it has been a while since I last wrote anything but today was inspired to hit the keyboard after hearing a very dear friend had bagged herself an almost celebrity bleader! Incentive indeed.

So here I am 6 months (and 8 days in) and still blissfully (most of the time) devoted to my Husband, who for his reading pleasure is also my 'Best Friend' (thank you Steve Wright for your Sunday Love Songs and live listener comments).
Yes the private jokes are pretty vomit inducing but as we are still very much in the 'honeymoon period' (which spans the first 5 years right?!) I feel it is totally justified.

There are however other elements that are not as desirable and I feel only years of study at the Mrs Tuckley Academy of Domestic Bliss will remedy this.

He wont clean the flipping bathroom!!!!!!!!!!

To add insult to injury, he felt to cover himself when questioned as to why he repeatedly ignored this particular room in the flat, he would waste £15 on (I have to add, very beautiful) flowers. His reasoning?
If I saw something beautiful like flowers, it would make me want to have (and ensure I maintain) a home that was also beautiful.

So whilst I 'Grot Busted' the grouting Mr Tuckley found time to catch up on essential 'Me Time' (at Long Buckby Rugby Club).
I'm very understanding of his need for rest and relaxation at weekends. We both work full time but it would appear that as men were given the chance to vote first (historically), I would need to burn my bra before thinking equality was actually a tangible reality.
When Mr Tuckley arrived home after a few shandy's he sat and proceeded to watch Manchester United play football on the telly. No comment was made about the gleaming bathroom! The next time he pees on the seat I may well exact my revenge. Suggestions on a postcard please.
I may as well have cleaned the bathroom, ironed a shirt, warmed his slippers and had his dinner on the table at 6.

I must mention that he redeemed himself by paying for Japanese food this weekend and by sitting through Chopin's Piano Concerto No 2, during which he figeted like a small child.

I do however realise that I am a very lucky lady....... I am, after all rewarded for my house work. How many women can say that?!

1 comment:

  1. 6 MONTHS.....has it been 6 months already?? WOW.

    I have to concur....the bathroom WAS gleaming....I appreciated it Mrs T xxx
